Ein Werbebanner zeigt Arbeiter in Sicherheitskleidung, die mit Einhell-Werkzeugen im Einsatz sind, begleitet vom Text "Promotion Tour".
Ein Werbebanner zeigt Arbeiter in Sicherheitskleidung, die mit Einhell-Werkzeugen im Einsatz sind, begleitet vom Text "Promotion Tour".
Ein Werbebanner zeigt Arbeiter in Sicherheitskleidung, die mit Einhell-Werkzeugen im Einsatz sind, begleitet vom Text "Promotion Tour".

Einhell promo tour

Coming soon to your area!

Experience Einhell live and in action: Our promotion team is on tour with Power X-Change – and they might be heading to your area soon! At events, trade fairs, and special days at DIY stores, our product experts set up their stands and showcase the latest battery-powered tools from Einhell. Get hands-on experience and enjoy sawing, drilling, or screwing to your heart's content. Plus, take part in exciting activities: win fantastic prizes on the spinning wheel, let the kids take a spin in the Einhell toy car, or join our competitions. Drop by to discover everything the Power X-Change family has to offer – and follow our promo team's schedule so you don’t miss their next stop near you!

Einhell slogan: we are #PXConTOUR

Follow us on social media and never miss an event!

A man drilling a hole into a piece of wood with an Einhell cordless drill.
Billboard with the text "Our Schedule," next to a displayed Einhell van featuring products and promotional materials.
Billboard with the text "Our Schedule," next to a displayed Einhell van featuring products and promotional materials.
Billboard with the text "Our Schedule," next to a displayed Einhell van featuring products and promotional materials.

The Einhell Promotion Team – Your On-Site Experts

The Einhell Promotion Team consists of trained product experts travelling with a mobile workshop and the best Power X-Change tools. Whether you're interested in tools or garden equipment, our events let you test the products first-hand with expert guidance. Our specialists are on hand to offer advice, explain the versatile features and applications of each tool, and answer all your questions. These events are the perfect opportunity to provide direct feedback and pick up valuable tips for your projects. And if our tools win you over, you can often purchase them directly on-site during market days at DIY stores – sometimes even at exclusive promotional prices!

Einhell Promo Team Highlights 2024

Promo Days

Impressions from the Promo Tours